Braes of Taymouth - Kenmore, Perthshire


Breadalbane Surnames

From ‘In Famed Breadalbane’ (chapter 30, pps 353-74) by the Rev William A Gillies (Second edition, 1980; reprinted 1987)

As elsewhere in the Highlands, surnames did not come into general use in Breadalbane until the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Prior to this period men and women were distinguished by their patronymics, with the result that it is often difficult to determine which clan or sept of a clan a person may have belonged to. Callum McNeill VcConnochie in Fearnan may have been a MacGregor; but another Callum at Killin who was similarly styled may have been a Macnab.

An examination of old Breadalbane surnames shows that the majority of them were derived from Christian names. Among this class we find some of the most ancient names in Scotland, such as McNaughton, McAlpin, McDiarmid, and McCairbre (extinct). The Gaelic word gille, signifying lad or servant, coupled with a term expressing a personal quality or colour, or the name of a saint provides us with a large number of surnames. In this way we get such surnames as MIlllechruim, Son of the Crooked-lad, McIlleghorrive, Son of the Thick-set lad. Then from bane white or fair, buidhe yellow, ciar dusky, donn brown, dubh black, gorm blue, riach brindled, come such surnames as McIllebhain, McIllebhuide, McIllechiar, McIlledhuinn, McIlledhuibh, McIlleghuirm, and McIlleriach. Sometimes the personal quality is used alone, as in Maildheach (Malloch), heavy eye-browed; or a colour may be coupled with a Christian name, as with Iain, in Mclnvane and McInduy. From gille and Iosa (Jesus) come the names Gillies and McLeish; and from the same word with Criosda (Christ) we get Gilchrist and McGilchrist. Gille in combination with such saints' names as Fillan, Patrick, Callum, Paul, Martin, and Michael, provided another numerous class of surnames. The Church establishment originated such names as Clerk, Haggart (from Gaelic sagart priest), Dewar, Macnab, and McVicar. The Gaelic terms for trades and occupations have given us such names as Crerar (Sifter), Caird (Artificer), Iasgair (Fisher), Greasaich (Shoemaker), Fucadair (Walker), Bracadair (Maltman), Portair (Ferryman). When men bearing such surnames went to the lowlands long ago they often retained them in their Gaelic forms ; while those who remained in Breadalbane changed their names into English equivalents. In this way we get Cairds and Nucators in Dundee ; but in Breadalbane we have Tinkler (changed to Sinclair), and Walker. Several small septs adopted the surname Campbell by agreement with the lairds of Glenorchy, among them the McKerlichs, McOlasserigs, McNucators, and the McIlleghorrives. The following surnames derived from places existed in Breadalbane, Pvderach (Buttar), probably from Bothchuider (Balquhidder), McKester from Yester, and Kippen.

The following list of Surnames has been made up from old documents, muster rolls, rentals, and Kirk Session records. Notes have been added about certain families and individuals connected with them. So far as possible the year and locality of persons bearing the surnames are given.


Some Breadalbane Andersons were locally called McComie. 1617, Alaster Anderson, Stronfearnan; 1698, Alexander, Donald, Tomgarrow; 1769, John, Morenish ; John, Duncan, Cloan, Lawers; Alexander, Tullichcan; John, Achianich; Alexander, Croftmartaig; Patrick, Portbane. John Anderson of the " Polytechnic," Glasgow, was a McComie Anderson from Tomgarrow.


Robert, schoolmaster, Kenmore (1788-1828); previously at Dull; married Mary Mckerchar; had a family of twelve children: Robert, eldest, educated St. Andrews Uni­versity, trained for the ministry, but never took a charge; went to London, where he started a boarding-school for noblemen's sons; published Gaelic Dictionary, 1825; LLD., St. Andrews; married Anna Dungate, and had three daughters; died 1867. William, younger son of Robert, succeeded as schoolmaster at Kenmore; retired 1873; died 1879. James, son of Robert, minister at Foss.


Agnes, wife of John Roy Campbell, Kenmore; fined 1627, for ringing kirk bell "out of her ambitious humouris, which is appoyntit for the glory of God." 1735, John, Inchadney.


1580, Duncan, alias Campbell, Glenlochay, natural son of John Campbell, bishop of the Isles, who was second son of Duncan Campbell, second Laird of Glenorchy. Duncan's name appears in Gaelic as Mcinespic.


Gaelic: Mcilledhuinn. 1769, Gilbert, Kiltyrie; Duncan, Tirarthur ; Duncan, Morenish. 1834, Archibald, Malcolm, John, Morenish.


1769, John, Tomnadashan; 1834, Alexander, Smith, Acharn (Kenmore).


Some members of this clan in Breadalbane were known as McPhail. 1698, John, Duncan, Lawers; 1769, Donald, Balnasuim (Lawers); Malcolm, Camuschurich; Duncan, Tullich;

Archibald, Acharn (Kenmore). Ewen Cameron, Lawers (1705-1817), mill-wright, first to introduce spinning-wheels and jack-reels into the Highlands; built lint-mills all over the North; and constructed the first mills north of the Forth for shelling barley. Robert Cameron from Lawers was Member of Parliament for Sunderland. John, his brother, wrote a book on the Gaelic names of Plants. Their father was schoolmaster at Lawers in early decades of last century.


There were very few members of this clan in Breadalbane prior to the coming of the first Laird of Glenorchy to the district. Ewen Campbell (1570), of Lix and Craignavie, was probably of the Strachur Campbells. In 1769 there were eighteen Campbells paying rent on the south side of Loch Tay; and ten on the north side.

The only members of this clan, other than the Earl of Breadalbane, now owning lands in Breadalbane, are Mr. John Campbell and Miss Catherine Campbell of Boreland, Fearnan: Their grandfather and father had been tenants of Boreland during last century, and the family gradually took over the tenancy of Balnearn to the west of Fearnan. When the eastern portion of the Breadalbane estates was sold in 1923, Messrs. Alexander and John Campbell and their sister, Miss Catherine Campbell, purchased the lands of Croftnallin, Boreland, Corriecherrow, Balnairn, Ballemenach, Tomintyvoir, and Lagfearn. Mr. Alexander Campbell died in January, 1930. He had a profound love for Breadalbane and an extensive and accurate knowledge of its history and traditions. He made a valuable collection of Gaelic books. Another member of this family, Christina, married Mr. William Angus, Builder and Contractor. Their son, Mr. William Angus, is at present Keeper of Registers, Register House, Edinburgh. On their mother's side this family of Campbells is descended from the Campbells of Ardeonaig. The charm stone of the Ardeonaig Campbells is preserved at Boreland. This property, including the farm of Boreland and the west side of Fearnan, is for sale (1937).


This surname was confined to Glendochart and Killin. The family may be descended from Harry Christie who was chamberlain to Sir Robert Campbell of Glenorchy, 1655; 1698, James, Waulk mill of Killin; 1800, Donald, Mid-lix; John, Gilbert, Ledcharrie.

A silver brooch of Celtic design made at Killin, was presented to a nursemaid of the name of Christie by Campbell of Auchlyne at the beginning of the eighteenth century. It is still in possession of a descendant, Mr. Duncan Ferguson, Carie. Dr. Dugald Christie, the famous missionary of the Church of Scotland in Manchuria, belonged to the Christies of Glendochart. He died in 1936. The family is still represented in Glendochart by Mr. James Christie, tenant of Auchlyne farm, and his sisters, the Misses Christie, Crianlarich.


A family of this name held Ledcharrie in the fifteenth century; 1456, sasine to Thome Cristin de Laidquerne (Exchequer Rolls) ; 1484, sasine to Donald Crystesoun ; 1494, charter to Donald Cristisone.


Gaelic: Clerach, Mcillechlerich. 1480, a tenant of this name in Eddergoll; 1541, Duncan, Kiltyrie; 1769, Duncan, Craig; Donald, Croftmartaig; Finlay, Edramuckie; Duncan, Drumnaferoch.

Peter Clark from Kiltyrie became minister of Free Church of Scotland, went to Canada, died there, 1885.

COMBACH alias Stewart

Gaelic: McCombich. This family claims to have come to Lawers with the "Lady of Lawers" from Appin of Stewart, Argyll. 1734, Donald, Milton of Lawers; 1769, Duncan, Morenish; Duncan, Lawernacroy; Archibald, Lurginbuy.


1698, John, tenant, Port of Lochtay, probably son of Alexander Comrie, minister of Kenmore; John's daughter, Margaret, married Duncan Forester, gardener, Taymouth.

CRERAR alias Mclntosh

Gaelic: Mcachrerar. Rev. Allan Sinclair of Kenmore tells that the Crerars, who were numerous around Kenmore and Acharn, were descended from a Mclntosh of Monivaird who came over the hills to escape from justice. He took refuge from his pursuers in the mill of Acharn. In order to conceal him the miller shook meal over him, and placed the sieve in his hands, and told him to carry on sifting the meal. The pursuers arrived, entered the mill, but failed to identify the fugitive. He settled down at Acharn, and was ever after known as An Criaihrear, "The Sifter."

1541, John McAchrerar had half of Balinlagan; 1579, Donald, Remony ; 1644, Patrick, Carnbane; Gillechreist, Ardtalnaig; John Dow, Ten-Shilling Land; Donald, Tullich (Ardtalnaig). The last named was the only man to possess a gun on Muster Roll of 1644. 1769, John, Morenish; Donald, Edramuckie; Donald, Balnasuim (Lawers); John, Ardeonaig; Alexander, Claggan; Donald, Tomflower; Patrick, Callelochan; Patrick, Balnasuim (Kenmore).


Gaelic: Deor, Mcindeor. Name derived from Deor, "Custodier" of a relic of St. Fillan. There were at one time five such custodiers in Glendochart, and the name was therefore common in the glen and around Killin. At the east end of Loch Tay, John Mcindeor in Portbane was a prominent man in 1597. A son of the Laird of Glenorchy was fostered in his family, and John entered into an agreement with Sir Duncan Campbell "for the benevolence received by him from the deceased Colin Campbell of Glenorchy."

1834, Donald, Balinlagan; John, Croftmartaig; Donald, Portbane; Alexander, Stronfearnan. Duncan Dewar, minister of Dull (1839-1861) was a native of Acharn (Kenmore). His accounts as a student at St. Andrews University were published with a commentary by the late Sir Peter Scott Lang, in 1926. Four of his nephews, sons of John Dewar, clerk of works, Taymouth, were ministers of the Church of Scotland :- Duncan, Applecross; John, Kilmartin Peter, North Bute; Alexander, Amulree.


1698, John, Taymouth; 1769, Andrew, Croft­martaig; 1834, Andrew, Lurgloman.

DOW alias McCalman

Patrick Dow's heirs had wadset of Corrycharmaig in 1699.


1699, Alexander had wadset of Camuschurich.


1585, Donald Roy McFergis, Balloch; 1769, John, Morenish; Patrick, Rhynchuilg; Duncan, Duallen.


Gaelic: Iesker, Mcinesker. Numerous around Loch Tay. The Fishers claim to have been fishers to the Scottish kings. 1624, John McConochie V'Nesker in Achessan; Duncan, Bovain; 1698, John, Acharn (Kenmore); Donald, Croftmartaig ; 1769, Duncan, Patrick, John, Donald, tenants in Ardeonaig; John, Portbane; Donald, Fearnan; descendants of John Fisher, Portbane, now at Culdamore, Fortingall.


John; tenant in Port of Loch Tay, 1579; signed petition for new church at Kenmore.


1698, William, Croftmartaig.

FRASER alias Mckimi

1585, James Mcfinlay Mckemy; 1698, Robert, Croftintygan; 1834, Hugh, Tomb (Lawers). Some families of this name are descended from Simon Fraser, who was well known around Taymouth and Kenmore at the end of the eighteenth century. He is believed to have been connected with the Frasers of Lovat. John Fraser Graham, D.D., Glasgow, came from Lawers.


1644, William, cottar, Tullich (Ardtalnaig); may have been a MacGregor.


1834, Duncan, Miller at Lawers and elder.


Gaelic: McGresiche, McaGresich. 1624, Donald, Balloch; McGressiche, Tirarthur; 1644, Donald, Skiag; 1763, Donald Mor Gresich alias McDougall.


Gaelic: Sagart, Mcintaggart. Name common around Acharn and Kenmore; 1582, Mcintaggart; 1698, Christian, Balnaskiag; 1736, John, Kenmore (poor's box of church placed for safe custody in his house after being burgled); 1769, John, Lurgloman; Donald senior, and Donald junior, Acharn; Margaret, Rhevucky; John, Balnasuim, Kenmore.

In 1834, there were seven heads of families of this name connected with Kenmore Kirk, all in the Acharn district. James Haggart, Acharn, became woollen manufacturer, and sons founded the business of Messrs. P. & J. Haggart, Aberfeldy, now carried on by Mr. J. D. Haggart, son of. Peter, and grandson of James. Another son of James Haggart was minister of Lochcarron, Dr. John Haggart. From Acharn came also John Haggart, doctor in Aberfeldy; educated at Edinburgh University; senior prizeman for year in surgery and Materia Medica; M.B.; CM. (1873); skilful practitioner, keen antiquarian, lover of Breadal­bane and its traditions; buried at Kenmore, April, 1913.

HAY alias Mckester

A tenant of the name of Makester appears in the Exchequer Rolls of 1480. The Hays of Kenmore district are said to have come originally from the parish of Yester, and were therefore called "MacYester" locally.

1572, Hugh Hay, first tenant of hostelry at Kenmore; 1698, Duncan Mceister, Portbane; 1702, Thomas Hay, Balinlagan; 1769, Finlay, Donald, Croftmartaig; Dr. Hay Hunter, minister of St. Andrew's Church, Edinburgh, was related to the Hays of Croftmartaig.


The Irvines may have come into Breadalbane about 1621, when Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy, was married in the kirk of Kenmore to the second son of Irvine of Drum. The following entry is found in the Kenmore Kirk Session records:- Jan. 16, 1647 - John Irvin presented ane lawful dochter of umquhill Duncan Irvin, his sone, who wes killed be the enemies, the 4th. Jun, at Stronch-lachan, and his spouse Margaret Ferguson, and wes callit Marione. In the last century descendants of the Breadalbane Irvines were notable ministers and doctors in Perthshire.

KENNEDY alias Mcalister

Bard Mcalister mentioned in Household books of Balloch; 1622, John Dow, Balnasuim (Kenmore); 1702, John, Remony; 1763, John, Skiag; 1769, John, Ardeonaig; 1834, Peter, Acharn.


The Kippens of Kenmore and Acharn district were descended from Andro Kippen, gardener to Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy, 1622. The agreement between the laird and the gardener is printed in B.B.T.

1698, John, Stix; 1769, Duncan senior, Duncan junior, Acharn; Isabel, Rhevucky; Duncan, Remony; Robert, Kinghallen; 1835, Andrew, Kenmore. Last members of this family removed to Aberfeldy.

KYNOCH alias McKenzie

1769, William, Kindrochit; John, Rhevucky.


Patrick Leitch, an Irishman, was surgeon to Kings James III and James IV. He was granted the life-rent of Kiltyrie and part of Ardtalnaig, which was renewed to his son, George Leitch in 1523, by King James V. In the Crown charter it is stated that Patrick was a good servant to the King's most noble grandfather and father and "George is expert in the same art." 1480, Finlay Leitch had part of Tirarthur; 1623, Duncan, Dunophuill near Coshieville.


This surname confined chiefly to Glenquaich; 1823, Donald, W. Shian; 1834, Donald, John, W. Shian. Colin Livingstone, the last parish schoolmaster of Fort William, belonged to this family. He was born at Balinreich, Strathbran, died at Fort William, and was buried in Glen Nevis. He used to say that the first Livingstone in Glenquaich came there to hide after Culloden, and hailed from Lismore. Colin claimed relationship with the great missionary and explorer, and was invited to attend the celebration of his centenary at Edinburgh, in 1913. He was a good Gaelic scholar, and was well acquainted with the traditions of Glenquaich.


This family, long resident in the Lawers district, was descended from Robert Lumsdane, assistant to George Leitch, surgeon to King James V. Robert succeeded George Leitch as surgeon, and continued the tenancy of Kiltyrie and part of Ardtalnaig. Charter under Great Seal granted to Robert, 8 April, 1550.

1627, George, Lawers; 1698, John, Duallen; 1731, John, elder of the church, Lawers; 1834, Archibald, Shenlarich (Lawers); 1836, Archibald, Stronfearnan. The last members of the family went to Edinburgh.


see Kennedy.


1774, Katherine, Monomore, Killin.


1622, Duncan, Leiragan; 1702, Lawrence, Druimnamuick, Stix; Kate, Lurgloman; 1769, John, Balin­lagan; John, Balmacnaughton. The late Colin McAndrew, Builder, Edinburgh, was a native of Ardeonaig. His son, Mr. Gordon McAndrew, Edinburgh, resides for part of the year at Fearnan where he owns a house and land.


Surname common on both sides of Loch Tay; some McArthurs were locally known as Mcachruim and Mcillechruim.

1763, Donald Mor, Skiag; 1769, Arthur, Braeintrine; Duncan, Licknie; Daniel, Skiag; John, Callelochan; Janet, Drumglas; Gilbert, Croftanalin; Duncan, Kinghallen; 1834, Donald, Aleckich; Arthur, Acharn; Alexander, Lurgloman; John, Croftmartaig; Alexander, Acharn; Neil, Achianich; John, Tomgarrow; John, Croftintygan; Dougal, Ardvoil.

John and James McArthur from Croftintygan (brothers) were doctors. Donald, Acharn, died 1855; known as "An Drobhair Macartar"; well known throughout the Highlands as a cattle dealer; came from Aleckich. Once, coming from Crieff with money, he was pursued by robbers on horse-back, and was saved only by the fleetness of his pony.


McTavish, McCawis. Some members of this family were styled Campbell. 1480, Donald, son of Duncan, and his mother had a third of Eddergoll; 1550, McCawis ; 1618, Donald, Ledchroisk ; 1702, John, Druimnamuick; 1729, Tais Mcavish was made an elder of Kenmore Kirk. He came regularly summer and winter over the hill from Glenquaich to attend session meetings at Kenmore for many years. 1769, John, Portbane; 1834, Peter, Lurgloman; Charles, Shian (Glenquaich).


This name appears in Glenquaich as McCully. 1638, John, Crannich.

MCCALL alias McDonald

1582, Malcolm; 1624, Donald, Tirarthur; 1769, Donald, Alexander, Donald, Kiltyrie; Rev. Archibald McCall of Glenmoriston, a native of Glendochart, is descended from the McCalls of Kiltyrie. In 1762 Malcolm and Janet McCall, his wife, gave two hundred merks Scots. to the Kirk Session of Kenmore for poor persons "betwixt the Burn of Morenish and the east end of Carwhin," reserving to themselves the interest of the capital for their life.


1579, ----- McCallum, Ardtalnaig; 1735, Duncan Roy, Pitmackie; 1769, Duncan, Callelochan; Duncan, Morenish.

Mrs. Janet Anderson, Guelph, Ontario, whose maiden name was McCallum, a native of Fearnan, left one hundred pounds to the Kirk Session of Kenmore in 1905 for the benefit of poor persons in Fearnan and Lawers.


1541, John, Glenlochay.


MCCARBRE, MCARBRIE, MCCARBY. There were several wadsetters of this name in Glenlochay and the west end of Loch Tay during the sixteenth century. The name disappears after 1600. The families either left the district, or changed their name. 1480, Duncan, tenant of Morenish and Tirai; 1541, Duncan, Tullich; Duncan, Dalgirdie; Finlay, Tirai; 1594, John, Ledour.


1579, GilfiUan Mcchapman Buy, Kenmore.


see Anderson. 1579, Alexander, Balloch; 1621, Katherine, Tullichglas; 1698, Duncan, Croftmartaig.

Alaster Buidhe McComie in the Braes of Balloch was locally known as Alaster Buidhe nan Taibhsean, "Yellow Alexander of the Ghosts." He met a ghost who told him that he could not rest because in life he had stolen plough irons from the smithy of Kenmore. He requested Alaster to take the irons out of a cairn where they had been hidden, and restore them to the smith. Alaster obeyed, and the ghost was never seen again.


1698, Archibald, Rhevucky; Janet, Peat-croft, Taymouth.


1587, Alaster, Corriecharmaig.


There were three branches of this clan in Perthshire :- 1. The Royal McDiarmids, who had the exclusive right to burial in Cladh Dobhi, Morenish. 2. The Dubh-bhusach (Black-lipped) McDiarmids. 3. The Craigianie McDiarmids, who were known as the Baron McDiarmids.

James McDiarmid and his brother, Dr. John McDiarmid, tenants of Morenish farm, and later at Dunraochan, Muthil, belonged to the Craigianie branch. Their collections of Breadalbane folklore are published in the Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness.

1638, Callum McEwen VcKermit, tenant in Crannich; 1763, James, Ledour (grandfather of the folklorists); 1769, Hugh, John, Morenish; Angus, Finlay, John, Kiltyrie; Finlay, Carwhin; Hugh, Craggantoll; Malcolm, Cragganester. The late Duncan McDiarmid, Camusericht, Rannoch, and his brothers, Hugh (Tiree), Robert (Cassels), Donald (Aberfeldy), and John (Edinburgh), were of the Baron McDiarmids. Rev. Alexander McDiarmid of Morvern was a native of Carie.


1579, Duncan Mcillechonyle, Ardtalnaig; John Dow McIIlechonyle, Ardtalnaig; 1638, The Baron Duncan Mcillechonell. The west portion of Ardtalnaig is still known as A Bharranachd, "The Barony." 1698, Duncan McOil, Machuim.


In 1763, there were nine tenants of this name in the Ardtalnaig district. These were Donald Mor Greasaich, Shenlarich; Donald, Skiag; Ewen, Skiag John, Lickbuie; John, Milton; Patrick, Milton; Patrick, Revain; Ewen, Achomer; John, Tullich. The family name of the McDougalls of Achomer and Milton was McEwen. They have farmed lands in the Ardtalnaig and Ardeonaig districts since the middle of the seventeenth century. Several members of the family acted as officials on the Breadalbane estate, and one member, Hugh or Ewen McDougall, was minister of Killin (1795-1827).

According to a legend the first of the Achomer family was John Dubh Mor, brother to Duncan McDougall, Lord of Lorn. He had killed the heir of McLean of Duart in a quarrel, and fled to Lochtayside. He heard that a wild beast, said to have been a dragon, was such a terror to the people in the Ardradnaig district that they removed from their homes. John Dubh Mor killed the dragon, and in consideration of the services he thus rendered, the Crown, to whom the lands belonged in those days, gave him a grant of land. He invited other members of his clan to join him, which accounts for the colony of McDougalls on the south side of Loch Tay.

A John McDougall of Achomer married Barbara Campbell, daughter of Colin of Mochaster, son of Sir Robert Campbell of Glenorchy. A silver mounted powder horn in the family bears the inscription, "From the First Earl of Breadalbane to John McDougall, 1683." This John's son, Ewen, fought at the battle of Sheriffmuir. Besides Achomer, Ewen held the lands of Margnadallach and Margchraggan at Ardeonaig. He and his brother, John, who occupied Milton, were elders of the Kirk of Kenmore. The representative of this family in the last generation was Archibald who farmed Milton, and latterly Claggan as well. Donald, his eldest son, succeeded him in the tenancy of Claggan, while his widow and daughters, Jean and Isabella, continued in the farm of Milton. Jean, who was deeply versed in the lore and family traditions of the district, died in 1933; and Isabella left Milton at Whitsunday, 1937. Donald moved some years ago to Dall, Ardeonaig, which his ancestors had at one time farmed, and his lease expires in 1938. He has been the leading Black-faced Sheep breeder in the North of Scotland. Three other sons of the family of Archibald McDougall survive- Archibald, in South Africa; Duncan, in Canada; and Alexander Patrick, in Oxfordshire.

Ewen McDougall, a grandson of Ewen who fought at Sheriffmuir, was clerk of works on the Taymouth estate, and clerk to the Baron Bailie Court. He was the first secretary of the Lodge of Free Masons formed at Kenmore in 1818, under the name of Lodge Tay and Lyon (276). After retiring he resided with his nephew at Milton, and for the instruction of his grand-nephews, Ewen wrote a long description of the river Tay, the houses and lands in the valley, and the traditions of this region. He died in 1832 at the age of seventy-three years.

John and Isabella McDougall of Perth, who founded the McDougall bursaries for Perthshire students, were descendants of John McDougall, who was in Tullich of Ardtalnaig in 1763.


Some of those who bore this surname were McDougalls, while a few were McLarens. 1579, Finlay McEwen Mor, Ardtalnaig; Ewen McEwen, Croftmartaig; 1623, Donald Glas, Acharn; 1624, Finlay, Cloichran; 1644, three McEwens from Ardradnaig on Muster Roll, three from Lickbuie, two from Revain, one from Claggan, and three from Craig, in the Ardtalnaig district; 1769, seventeen tenants of this name on south side of Loch Tay, and three on the north side.

In the last generation, John McEwen, headmaster of Kirkwall Academy, and his brother Dugald, headmaster of Acharn school, were natives of Killin. Both were very successful teachers. Descendants of the Ardradnaig McEwens are prominent citizens of Edinburgh.


1638, Donald Roy, Suie; John Dow, Kenknock; 1769, no member of clan on north or south side of Loch Tay.


(probably Macnab). 1624, Callum, Creitchosh; 1638, Duncan, Auchlyne; 1769, Donald, Shenlarich, Lawers; Malcolm, Carie.


Gaelic: Mcillechreist. 1579, Patrick, Balinlagan; 1616, Gillmuire, Acharn; 1624, Callum, Ewich; 1638, John Edramuckie; Iver McEan Vcillechreist, Ardchyle; Iver, Killin; 1644, Donald, Carnbane.

MCGLASSERIG alias Campbell

1778, Isabel, Tirarthur. John McGlasserig, alias Campbell, Morenish, published a book of Gaelic songs and poems about 1780. James McDiannid relates a tale about a man of this name who encountered a witch in the form of a hen in a shieling on Ben Lawers. McGlasserig allowed his dogs to worry the witch who died from her wounds. She pronounced a curse upon the family with the result that they died out on Lochtayside.


Gaelic: Mcillebhuie.


Before the advent of the Campbells to Breadalbane there were numerous members of this clan settled at Balloch, Eddergoll, Fearnan, Morenish, and Ardeonaig. They lived as peaceably as their neighbours, as tenants of the Crown and of the Church. The relations between the MacGregors and the early lairds of Glenorchy were quite good; but Colin, the sixth laird, tried to alienate them from their chief by bands of manrent. This policy led to the revolt of the clan, and their shameless persecution. After the MacGregors were outlawed and the use of the name forbidden, the name disappears until the eighteenth century. The Fearnan MacGregors became Drummonds. The only tenant of the clan on the south side of Loch Tay in 1769 was Katherine MacGregor, at Tomflower. The following were on the north side in the same year :- John, Morenish Duncan, Carwhin; Donald, Lawernacroy Duncan, Duallen; John, Lurginbuie; Alexander, Duncan, Cloan, Lawers; Duncan, Boreland; John senior, and John junior, Stronfearnan.

During the early decades of the nineteenth century John MacGregor, who was connected with the Culdderbeg family of that name, was the miller at Fearnan. He married Christian Campbell, whose brother was farmer at the Boreland of Fearnan. Five of their six sons (the sixth died in infancy) graduated at Edinburgh University; and their three daughters were trained for the Teaching profession at the Normal School of that city.

Malcolm, the eldest son, succeeded Dr. John McDonald, "The Apostle of the North," as minister at Ferintosh. His grandson is the Rev. G. H. C. MacGregor, D.D., professor of Biblical Criticism at Glasgow University. The second son of the miller, Duncan, was minister of the Free Church at Stornoway, and afterwards at St. Peter's, Dundee, and Augustine Church, Glasgow. His sons are the Rev. Duncan C. MacGregor, D.D., late of Wimbledon, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of England in 1920; and the Very Rev. William Malcolm MacGregor, D.D., Principal of Trinity College, Glasgow. Principal MacGregor's son, Mr. D. C. MacGregor, is Fellow and Tutor in Baliol College, Oxford. The miller's third son, Alexander, lived and died Rector of Stranraer Academy; the fourth son, Angus, went to Australia as a preacher, but turned to teaching, and ended a useful career as Librarian to the Parliament of New Zealand. The fifth graduate of the family was John, who was minister of the Free Church at Peebles, and afterwards at Stockwell Church, Glasgow. The scholastic record of this family, brought up on a Fearnan croft with the meagre income of the little meal mill, is truly remarkable. The father had little learning, but he appreciated the value of learning. His wife was a woman of great faith and strength of character. Another member of the clan to enter the Church from Breadalbane was Peter MacGregor, minister of Duthil, who died in 1935. He was a native of Lawers.


1638, Donald, Balnaskiag.


McLintock, alias McDougall. 1769, Patrick, Croftintygan. James Mcilandaig, who had the holding of Tomvorair, Kiltyrie, was the last of the Breadalbane smugglers. Malcolm Ferguson in his "Rambles in Breadalbane" gives stories about him. James' son, John, was innkeeper at Kings-house, Balquhidder. He left religious and charitable bequests to-the parishes of Kenmore, Killin, Balquhidder, and Callander.


1622, John Dow, Suie; 1638, Gilleroy, Balmacnaughton.


1698, Catherine, Lawers.


1480, Donald Mcgillequhinye, Mill of Eddergoll; 1579, Callum McQueon, Acharn; 1638, John Dow Baine McQuaine, Balinlagan. The McQueens were probably MacGregors. Patrick McQueen, minister of Rothesay, who brought an action against Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy before the Privy Council, was a MacGregor, and held Duneaves..

MCILLEGHORIVE alias Campbell

1621, John, Blarnaskea; 1644, Donald, Ardtalnaig; 1723, Donald, Ardtalnaig, an elder of Kenmore Kirk; the last members of this family left the Ardtalnaig district at the beginning of this century.


See Livingstone.


1769, Finlay, Morenish; John, Rhynchuilg; Patrick, Kiltyrie Duncan, Carie.

MCILLENOIVE alias McIntyre

1698, James, Balmacnaughton 1687, James, Remony.

MCILLERIOCH alias McPherson

1624, Muroch, Kenknock; 1615, John Dow, Cloichran; 1793, Mcillereach, Clifton.


1775, Patrick.


1698, Alexander, Taymouth.


(probably Macnabs). 1769, Finlay, Tirarthur; Duncan, Tirarthur; Duncan, Morenish; John, Carwhin. The name appears to represent Mac Fhionnlaidh Ruaidh, "Son of Red Finlay."


1744, Patrick, Rhevucky.


1638, Patrick, Daldravaig; 1638, John, Morenish.

MCINTYRE alias Wright

1624, John, Leiragan; 1638,Callum, Port of Loch Tay; 1644, Donald, Craig, Ardtalnaig; 1702, Donald Roy, Kenmore Inn. He provided "straw for my Lord's horses while at church, and kept my Lord's boat in the harbour, or paid the damage." 1769, six tenants on south side Loch Tay, and six on north side. A Mcintyre was smith at Kenmore in 1784. Captain James Mcintyre, late 13th Royal Veterans, and formerly of 71st Highland Light Infantry, buried at Kenmore, 1814. 1825, Captain John, Kenmore.

MCINVANE alias Macnab

1698, Finlay, Duallen.


1624, Finlay, Duneaves.


Some of the McDiarmids were locally known as Mcivers. 1624, Duncan, Auchmore John Dow, Licks; 1638, John, Cloichran; Callum, Port of Loch Tay; Lawran, Crannich; John, Kenmore.

MACKAY alias Mcnaughton

1638, Duncan, and Donald on Muster Roll; 1644, John Dow, Keprannich; Duncan, Claggan; 1702, Duncan, Callelbchan; 1769, John, Achomer; Katherine, Achianich.

Rev. Duncan Mackay, who founded the Mackay bursary at St. Andrews University, was a native of "Tuathair," south side of Loch Tay, and was probably the son of Duncan who was in Callelochan in 1702. He died at Edinburgh in 1808, and was buried in the Calton cemetery. His origin was traced by Mr. Kemp, Edinburgh, a member of the Clan Mackay Society, and a stone was erected at his grave. A brother of the Rev. Duncan Mackay was a merchant in Bristol.


1621, Archibald, Blarchaorin; Callum, Drissaig.

MCKENZIE alias Kynoch

1615, Callum, Finlarig; 1763, William, Ardtalnaig; 1769, John, Rhevucky.


1638, Donald, Gillechreist, Port of Loch Tay; 1769, Malcolm, Stronfearnan; Donald and Duncan, Comrie; Alexander, Portbane; Donald, Aleckich; John, Rhevucky.

Alexander and William Mckercher of the Breadalbane Garage, Aberfeldy, are descended from the Comrie McKerachers. John, Rhevucky, was a merchant. He was succeeded by his son, John, who later removed to Acharn village, and whose sons were John, minister of the Free Church, Fortrose; James, Bank of Scotland, Aberfeldy; Alexander, merchant, Aberfeldy, and afterwards at Lincoln; Peter, merchant, Aberfeldy; Donald, minister of the Free Church, Kilmun; Duncan, merchant, Killin, and Arbroath ; Robert, Doctor of Medicine, Dalbeattie.

MCKERLICH alias Campbell

1606, John, Finlarig; John Dow Mclnnes, Ardeonaig; 1621, John, Morenish; Duncan, Crannich; 1638, Callum, Dalgirdie; John, Remony; Archibald, Finlarig; 1644, John, Achomer.

MCKERRAS alias Ferguson

1585, John Roy Mcfergis, Balloch; 1624, Duncan Mckerras, Ledchroisk; 1769, John, Morenish; Patrick, Rhynchuilg.

Malcolm Ferguson, a native of Morenish, died at Callander, 1912, at the age of ninety-seven years; a successful business man in Glasgow. He was devoted to the country of Breadalbane, and wrote a book describing its scenery and people, entitled "Rambles in Breadalbane." He erected a cairn on the summit of Ben Lawers to bring its height up to four thousand feet. He created charitable trusts for the benefit of poor people in the parishes of Kenmore and Killin.


1627, Finlay Bane, Balloch; 1643, Elspet NcKillop.


1644, Donald.

MCKIOCH alias McDonald

1480, Donald McKethe, Eddergoll; 1579, Donald, Ardtahiaig; 1644, Duncan, Tullich.


1618, Callum Dow, Balloch; 1621, Patrick, Crannich; 1638, Patrick, Crannich; 1644, Donald Bane, Tullich; 1763, ten McLarens in Ardtahiaig district; 1769, fourteen McLarens tenants on south side of Loch Tay, and three on north side.

Archibald McLaren, farmer at Dall, Ardeonaig, and latterly of "Dall Lodge," Killin, who left funds for the erection of a hall at Killin, and several bequests for charitable and religious purposes, was a grandson of John McLaren, tenant at Acharn, Kenmore.


1561, Patrick Mcoleane; 1595, John, Tirarthur Malcolm, Craig, Glenlochay; 1623, Callum, Ledchroisk 1638, John, Kiltyrie; 1769, Charles, Cloan, Lawers; Alexander, Corriecherrow; John, Stronfearnan; 1834, Lachlan, Claon, Lawers; John, Carwhin.

In 1640, Tirai was let to Mulikyn McGillane. Rev. John McLean, minister of Grantully, belonged to the Breadalbane family of McLeans. He was intimately acquainted with the Natural History and the traditions of Breadalbane. Mr. Duncan McLean, Fearnan, represents this old Breadalbane family.


Gaelic: Mciliosa. 1624, Duncan, Murlagan; 1638, Duncan Mcoleis; 1644, John, Ardtahiaig.


1769, Hugh, Maragbeg.


1644, Donald, Shenlarich, Ardtahiaig.


1621, John Mcillemhartain; 1624, Gillemartain McFinlay McMartain, Cloichran; 1769, Duncan and Malcolm, Drumnaferoch, Lawers; 1798, Malcolm, smith, Lawers; 1834, John, Tirai; 1835, Robert, Craggan, Lawers.

The grandmother of Sir Donald Currie, Bart., of Garth was an Elizabeth McMartain from Glenlochay. Rev. Archibald McMartain, Nigg, Ross-shire, belonged to Balinluig, Laweru. He died at Aberfeldy in 1917.


Gaelic: Mcillemhaoil, Mcmhaoiligan. Tradition states that the Mcmillans were anciently numerous on Lochtayside, and that they moved from there to Argyllshire. The fact that there were six tenants of this name in the Ardtahiaig district in 1644 seems to bear out the tradition. Only one is found on the list of tenants in the same area in 1763, and none at all in 1769. In the latter year there were on the north side of Loch Tay, Donald, Carwhin; and Alexander, Balimeanoch, Fearnan. Alexander Mcmillan, merchant, Aberfeldy, died 1860, buried at Kenmore; father of Rev. Dr. Hugh Mcmillan of Greenock, and grandfather of Lord Macmillan of Aberfeldy, belonged to the Fortingall district.

The Gaelic song, "Failte Bhmid-Albann," "Hail to Breadalbane," at one time very popular in the district and at Glasgow Highland gatherings, was composed by a Breadalbane man, named McMillan, who, for poaching, had to leave the country. Campbell of Achallader*, then factor, hearing the song, pleaded with the author to return to Breadalbane, but in vain. The song is printed in full in Ferguson's "Rambles in Breadalbane."

*This was John 6th of Achallader. He was a great classical scholar, and gets the credit of being the first man to introduce turnips into Scotland.


Besides the Macnabs of Bovain, two junior branches of this clan possessed lands in Glendochart. They were the Macnabs of Acharn, and the Macnabs of Innishewan.

The following references are found to the Macnabs of Acharn:- 28 July, 1553, Donald Macnab, son of Archibald Macnab of Acharn; 18 April, 1568, John Bane McGillespic Macnab, who married Issobel Macfarlane. 15 April, 1605, Gilbert Macnab of Acharn; 1649, Archibald Macnab of Acharn is entered in Killin rental for £45; 1655, Archibald Macnab, succeeded by John Macnab of Acharn; 23 April, 1672, Archibald Macnab, whose bowl is in Museum of Antiquities of Scotland, Edinburgh. (Note by Mr. John MacGregor, W.S. in Proc. Soc. Antiq., Vol. LXVIL, pp. 314-5). 15 July, 1731, Patrick Macnab of Acharn was prosecuted for a clandestine marriage performed by Mr. Alexander Comrie, who had been deposed from Kenmore.

The earliest Macnab that has been traced to Innishewan is Finlay McEan Macnab, who was tenant there in 1599. Finlay appears to have been succeeded by his son, Alexander, for in 1611 Alaster McFinlay VcEan VcNab and his brothers, Duncan and John Dow in Ardchyle, gave their bond to Sir Duncan Campbell of Glenorchy. This Alexander was a member of the jury of a Baron's Court held at Killin in 1615. He was fined by the Privy Council in 1618 for the illegal carrying of arms. In 1638, his name appears on a muster roll. The farm of Innishewan was not returned as a separate property in the rental for the parish of Killin in 1649.

Alexander Macnab was succeeded by his son, Finlay, who married the eldest daughter of Finlay Macnab of Bovain, by whom he had three sons and a daughter. In 1661, Alexander's name appears on a list of landlords and chiefs who had failed to report to the Privy Council, and eight years later he and his sons were called upon to give their bonds to the Privy Council.

Finlay Macnab's successor was his son, John, who married Catherine Macfarlane, daughter of George Macfarlane of Roseneath, in 1658. He died in 1676, and his widow married, as her second husband, James, fourth son of John Macnab, fiar of Bovain. John Macnab was succeeded by his son, Finlay. On the 28th March, 1683, Finlay made over the lands of Innishewan and Bothuachdar to his brother, Alexander, who was infeft in these lands two days later. This Alexander married a Macfarlane. A bond had been granted by the first Earl of Breadalbane for two thousand merks to Catherine Macfarlane, relict of John Macnab of Innishewan, on 2nd March, 1676. This bond was assigned by Alexander Macnab to John, his eldest son, and failing him, to Duncan, his second son, and failing Duncan to Robert, Alexander's third son, on 26th April, 1703. Both John and Duncan died without issue, and in October, 1724, we find Robert Macnab applying to the second Earl of Breadalbane for precept of clare constat as the heir of his brother, John. This John Macnab of Innishewan was married to Jean Campbell, in December, 1711. On 20th December, 1732, an action was raised against Robert Macnab of Innishewan for marrying Jean Campbell, his spouse, irregularly and without proclamation of banns. He acknowledged his irregular marriage, and was fined 500 merks Scots.

At the '45 Alexander Macnab in Innishewan was a captain in Keppoch's regiment, and fought with skill and courage at the battle of Falkirk. In 1759, the name of Alexander Macnab younger of Innishewan appears on a list of men fit for service. In the same year John Macnab, "Possessor of Inchoane," built the burial enclosure in the graveyard of Suie in Glendochart. On 22nd November, 1767, it was recorded that John Macnab, late of Innishewan, had bequeathed four guineas for behoof of the poor of the parish of Killin. The following obituary notice appeared in the Scots Magazine (Vol. LXXIL, p. 639), "2 July, 1810- At Borrodale, Alexander McNab, late of Inschewan, aged 91 years; the last of that family residence who have been proprietors, wadsetters and leaseholders of it for upwards of 400 years."

A member of the family of the Macnabs of Innishewan who fought for Prince Charles Edward in 1745 went with the Prince to France, where he married a lady of fortune, and settled at Saucerre, Tours. He befriended many Scottish Jacobites in exile, among them Lord Nairne. The father of the late J. A. Macdonald of Glenaladale paid a visit to a descendant of this Macnab during the early decades of last century, and obtained from him a portrait of the Prince and also his watch. This old Macnab was thoroughly French. (From information regarding Prince Charlie's watch in document in possession of Miss Nicholson of Arisaig House.)

MCNACEARD alias Sinclair

The Gaelic word ceard means artificer. Macaceard is the Son of the Artificer, or of the Tinkler. As time.went on the association of the name with "Tinker" became offensive, and '' Tinkler " was changed to "Sinkler" and then "Sinclair." The Sinclairs latterly claimed a Caithness origin through the connection of the First Earl of Breadalbane with that county. This claim is not, however, confirmed by the tracing of the history of the name in Breadalbane.

1622, Donald Dow Mcnakerd, Camuschurich; 1698, Duncan, Mill of Finlarig; 1769, Donald, Rhynchuilg; John, Stroncomrie; Hugh, Tomgarrow; 1834, four house-holders in Kenmore district of the name Sinclair.

One of these was Peter Sinclair, Mains of Kenmore, whose son, John, born 1817, settled in Dundee. He had been educated at Kenmore school, and his exercise books, preserved by his grandson, show the high standard of the education and training given there. John started in the office of "The Dundee Chronicle." He was successively connected with the publishing of the "Dundee Herald" and "Dundee Warder." In 1856 he started "The Weekly News," the pioneer weekly paper of Scotland. This was followed by the "Argus," which was the first penny daily north of the Forth. The latter was ultimately amalgamated with the "Courier," and Mr. Sinclair then retired from journalism. He died in 1897. His grandson is Mr. Peter Sinclair, architect, Buckhaven.


This is one of the oldest, if not the very oldest Breadalbane surname. There were four branches of the clan on Lochtayside, namely, the McVicars, the Mackays, the Mcintaylors, and the Urchy McNaughtons.

The McVicars appear to have been descended from Maurice McNaughton and Duncan McNaughton, who were vicars of Inchadney from 1480 to 1523. In 1585 a Maureis McNauchtane was at Inchadney. 1644, Donald, Lurg; William, Ardtalnaig; 1698, John Lurgloman; 1769, Patrick, Portbane. At the beginning of last century James McNaughton or McVicar, tenant in the Braes of Taymouth, and his wife, Elizabeth McLaren, gave one hundred pounds to the Kirk Session of Kenmore, the interest to be paid to poor persons of the name of McNaughton, McVicar, or McLaren.

The Mackay branch of the McNaughtons has been already dealt with.

The Mcintaylor* McNaughtons have occupied lands in the district of Eddergoll for many centuries. Their names appear in the earliest Crown rentals. 1480, Donald McNachtan occupied the Forty-shilling Land, or Balnacnaughton; 1541, Laggan and Mill of Eddergoll let to John Tailyemoir, alias McNachtane; 1582, Mill of Eddergoll let to Malcolm McNachtane and Donald Mcintailyemoir's wife; 1597, Duncan McOnill VcEan, Balmacnaughton; 1623, Duncan McDonald, Balmacnaughton; 1627, John McEntailyeour, Balnaskiag; 1769, John, Portbane; Daniel, Tomgarrow.

From Chrnoicles of Fortingall - " 1556, John Challar Moyr died at Eddergooyllyt on 27th of September, and was buried at Inchaden, on the eve of St. Michael the Archangel."

Alexander McNaughton, son of John, tenant in Portbane, took over the Waulkmill at Remony in. succession to William Murray about 1780. He also began the dyeing of cloth, and thus he and his descendants came to be styled locally as "An Dafhadair" "The Dyer." Alexander had a large family :- 1. Donald was father of Rev. Allan McNaughton of Kirkhill, and of William, who became a Cloth Manufacturer at Pitlochry, a business now being carried on by his grandsons. 2. John carried on the mill at Remony and also the farm, in both of which his eldest son, Alexander, succeeded him. His other three sons, Peter, John, and James went to Canada. 3. Alexander became a doctor of Medicine, entered the Navy, and died young. 4. James became a Doctor of Medicine; went to Albany, N.Y.; an eminent surgeon, and Professor of Anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; died at Paris, June, 1874. 5. Allan, minister of Kilbride, Arran ; afterwards of Lesmahagow ; D.D., St. Andrews; sons, Alexander, S.S.C., Edinburgh; and Neil, minister of Kinclaven. 6. Peter, Doctor of Medicine ; went to Albany, N.Y., where he practised.

Alexander, eldest son of John McNaughton, carried on the mill and the farm, extending the latter as smaller tenants adjoining removed. He married a daughter of John McKeracher, merchant, Acharn. Their family were :- 1. John, minister of the Church of Scotland, Lairg; Professor of Classics, Kingston, Canada; Divinity, McGill, Montreal; Classics, Toronto; now retired (1937); residing at St Leonards, Sussex. 2. James, Merchant, Aberfeldy. 3. Peter, succeeded to the farm (The Cloth Mill and the Dyeing business gradually ceased). 4. Alexander, a merchant in London. 5. Duncan, a merchant in London. 6. Donald, H.M. Inspector of Schools (Secondary Branch); Staff-Inspector for Classics under the Board of Education ; now retired. When the eastern portion of the Breadalbane estate was sold in 1923, Mr. Peter McNaughton bought Kenmore Hill and a portion of Balmacnaughton, together with the farm-house and steadings at Remony. He died in December, 1930; and his widow is in possession of the lands and houses.

The Urchy McNaughtons were in Balinlagan in 1703, when Duncan Urchy McNaughton and Janet NcaGhuirm had a child baptised named Donald. This Duncan's name appears also in the rent roll of the period. The family probably came to the Acharn district from Glenorchy, which fact accounts for the alias "Urchy." Mr. John McNaughton, son of the late Mr. Alexander McNaughton, tailor, is the only representative of this old family left in the district.


1772, Mary, Innishewan.


1769, John, Auchmore.


Gaelic: MacanFhucadair. Son of the Fuller, or Waulker; alias Campbell. 1560, Donald McYnnocator; 1579, Gillechreist Dow Fucator, Port of Loch Tay; 1769, Duncan, Croftintygan; John, Tomb, Lawers.

Members of this family who remained in Breadalbane gradually changed their name to Walker. Some of those who went to the cities during the early eighteenth century retained the name "McNucator." Their descendants in Dundee have now dropped the "Mac."

MCPHAIL alias Cameron

1510, Tailor Makfele; 1579, John Dow McPaule, Skiag (Kenmore); 1769, Archibald, Carie; Duncan, Carie; Patrick, Balnasuim (Lawers).

Mr. Peter McPhail, born at Balnasuim, Lawers, a prosperous merchant in Edinburgh, gave the sum of £2,000 in 1919 to the Kenmore Nursing Association to form a memorial of his only son, Lieutenant P. J. Stewart McPhail, R.G.A., who died in hospital at Winchester, 26th November, 1918. The Marquis of Breadalbane at the same time intimated his intention to grant a perpetual title to the Association for the cottage occupied by the nurse in the village of Kenmore; and the Association has since been called "The Stewart McPhail Memorial Nursing Association." Mr. Peter McPhail died at Craigmillar Park, Edinburgh, 11th September, 1921. His widow, Catherine McEwen, who was born at Ardradnaig, survives (1937).

MCPHATRICK alias Macnab

1624, Donald, Achessan; 1698, Duncan, Lurinbuy.


1834, Peter, Edramuckie; John, Morenish; William, Cloichran; Malcolm, Donald, Stronfearnan.


1698, Donald, Drumglas; 1769, John, Tullich.

MCROB alias McDonald

1644, Duncan, Ten-shilling Land, Ardtalnaig; Laren McPhatrick VcRob, Tomnadashan; 1698, Donald, Morenish. Descendants of McRobs at one time in Ardeonaig, who assumed the name Macdonald, are in Aberfeldy.


1615, Finlay McThomas, Killin; 1621, John, Crannich; 1624, John, Craignavie; 1735, John Roy Thomson, Portbane; 1834, Andrew, Lurgloman; Donald, Rhevucky; Alexander, Stronfearnan. Mr. John Thomson, Kenmore, so long and well known as a keen angler and Free Mason, is descended from the last named.


The McVeans were connected chiefly with Glenlochay. 1619, Donald, Tirai; 1624, Donald Og, Dalgirdie; Donald Dow McDonald Roy, Tirai; 1638, Patrick, Tullich; John, Tirai; Duncan Roy, Boturne; 1763, Duncan, Tullichglas.

Rev. John McVean of Glenorchy, whose son, Patrick, was minister at Kenmore, was a native of Glenlochay. The father of the Rev. Colin McVean, who succeeded the Rev. Patrick McVean at Kenmore, in 1794, was miller at Tirai.

MCVICAR alias McNaughton

See McNaughton.

MCVICHIE alias McDonald

1616, Donald, Fearnan; 1618, William, Aleckich; 1729, Duncan, an elder of Kenmore Church, resided near Acharn; 1763, Donald, Ardradnaig.

The last of this family to reside in the district was Donald McVichie, alias McDonald, who died at the village of Acharn about fifty years ago. The descendants of Donald, who was in Ardradnaig in 1763, emigrated to Canada about the beginning of last century, and settled at Bainsville, Ontario. John D. McVichie, who died in 1929, at Curry Hill, Ontario, a member of one of the oldest families in Glengarry, Canada, was a son of Donald, who went from Ardtalnaig district to Canada in the 'thirties of last century.

MCVRACADAIR alias Maltman

1698, John Maltman, Balnasuim (Kenmore). 1770, Finlay McVrachadair, Auchlyne.

MCVURRICH alias McPherson

1624, John Dow, Tirai; 1644, Duncan, Keprannich; 1698, Duncan, Finlarig; 1769, Donald, Tirarthur.


1579, John Dow, Acharn.


1763, John, Lurg; 1769, John, Carwhin; John, Balnahanaid; 1834, Neil, Cuiltrannich; Donald, Carie.


1698, John, Kiln Lands, Killin; John, Tomb, Lawers; 1769, Robert, Tomb; 1798, James, Cloan, Lawers; 1834, Duncan, Craggan, Lawers. Members of this family are still in the Killin district.


1579, Donald, Baron of Carwhin.


Although several parts of Breadalbane were at one time owned by the Menzieses of Weem, there were not many members of the clan in the district at any period within the past four hundred years. 1621, William, Morenish 1623, John, Stix.


Gaelic: Mcillemhoire. 1585, Donald Mclllivory, Acharn;1769, Duncan, Morenish.


1835, Peter, Kingharrie.


1787, Duncan, Kenknock.

PUDERACH alias Buttar

1638, John, Crannich; 1772, Margaret, Killin.


There were many families of this clan on the north side of Loch Tay, especially in the Fearnan district which belonged to Strowan Robertson until the property was annexed to the Crown after the Fifteen and Forty-five Rebellions.


The first of this family was a weaver, named George, settled, 1698, at the Cooper's Croft, Taymouth. 1723, John, Brae, Balloch; 1767, James, Ardtalnaig; 1769, William, Rhevucky.


Gaelic: Mac-a'-stalcair. 1565, James, Ardeonaig; 1621, Finlay Dow, Crannich; 1638, John Dow, Crannich; 1644, John Dow, Kindrochit; 1763, Finlay, Keprannich.

James Mclnstalker, known as An Stalcair Bioch (The Brindled Stalker), was an agent of Colin Campbell, sixth laird of Glenorchy. He murdered Gregor MacGregor, son of James MacGregor, Dean of Lismore, in 1565. Soon afterwards he himself was slain by Gregor MacGregor of Glenstrae, at Ardeonaig.


1638, Walter, Ledcharrie; 1727, Duncan, Taynaluib (Luib Inn).


Some of the Mclnucators changed their name to Walker. 1698, John, Taymouth Donald, Peat Croft, Taymouth; 1723, John, and David, Milton of Taymouth, elders of Kenmore Church; 1769, Gilbert, Lurgloman; Donald, Balinlagan; 1834, John, Rhevucky.

There are Walkers still in the Kenmore district. On 6th January, 1765, Catherine Walker, daughter of Gilbert Walker, who was known in his time as "Gilbert Mor Kingharrie," was married in Kenmore Church to Benjamin Dawson. When the bridal party was crossing the ferry behind the Kenmore Inn, the boat capsized, and the bride was drowned. She was buried in Kenmore churchyard. A stone which marked her grave crumbled away. The inscription referred to her tragic and untimely death.


A family of this name resided in the Kenmore district from the middle of the sixteenth century. They continued for nearly a hundred years. Andrew Quhit was a notary at Taymouth in 1551. His name often appears on documents along with that of Gavin Hamilton, who was a secretary and notary in the employment of Sir Colin Campbell and of his son, Sir Duncan. Anthony, Portbane, 1618; Thomas, Tomgarrow, 1638.